Physical activity of students in Luxembourg on days with and without physical education and during physical education


Andreas Bund, Djenna Hutmacher, Georges Steffgen, Melanie Eckelt

The pilot study pursues the aim of objectively measuring the extent and intensity of physical activity of students on the day with physical education, days without physical education, weekdays, weekend days and during physical education to determine whether the Luxembourgish students fulfill the guidelines for physical activity.

Proposition de citation

Eckelt, M., Hutmacher, D., Steffgen, G. & Bund, A. (2018). Physical activity of students in Luxembourg on days with and without physical education and during physical education: PALUX-Project. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University. School of Sports Science and Technology. 5th International Conference of Physical Education and Sports Science, Nevsehir Cappadocia.

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