Biographien und (trans)nationale soziale Unterstützungsnetzwerke älterer Migrant_innen in Luxemburg

Ein Forschungsbeitrag zum Dialog von Wissenschaft - Praxis - Politik

Anne Carolina Ramos, Ute Karl

Although Luxembourg is an immigration country and although more and more migrants reach the age of retirement and old age, very little research on their biographies, their perspectives for old age, their social support systems and transnational social networks has been done so far. Very little is known about the question of how care is provided or is expected to be provided. The research project “Biographies and transnational social support networks of older migrants in Luxembourg” (BiSoNetMig) takes up this research gap. It is situated in the context of international research on transnational social support and the living conditions and biographies of migrants becoming old. The study is based on the methods of biographical and qualitative egocentric network analysis. It is situated in the theoretical framework of transnational research on social relations and support.
This project is funded by the University of Luxembourg (2013-2016).

Proposition de citation

Karl, U. & Ramos, A. C. (2017). Biographien und (trans)nationale soziale Unterstützungsnetzwerke älterer Migrant_innen in Luxemburg: Ein Forschungsbeitrag zum Dialog von Wissenschaft – Praxis – Politik. Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt. Luxembourg. Universität Luxemburg (UL); Integrative Research Unit on Social and Individual Development (INSIDE).

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